

古人的收藏痴迷行為一文。人為了喜歡的收藏﹐行為幾近瘋狂。不過下跪﹑跳河﹐其實能得到心頭所好﹐雖然是古怪了點﹐但也無傷大雅。倘若是為了收藏﹐連性命也不要﹐就似乎過於迂腐﹐也嫌不值。不過也很難說﹐每個人其實多多少少也會對某種行為做成依賴﹐有些依賴人﹐有些物﹐(另發奇想: Freud's cigar indicating his fixation on his father's dick? since he describes woman's nature feelings of castration. Or maybe really sometimes, that a cigar is just a cigar? In this World, as long as you're the first one to write about something, that somehow makes it seems important, no? We still read about Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes, makes me think of another fact: We live in a World without much Originality anymore.) 其實到最終﹐也是經長時間磨下來的慣性行為。自己小時也多有儲物﹐石頭﹑郵票﹐什麼也喜歡﹐但後來四海飄遙﹐搬來搬去﹐收藏也東西天涯。還是放下對物件的執著﹐珍惜眼前人﹐眼前事重要吧。

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