

今日得幸link 到 "Yam 飲者"的 Blog, 看了場沒多大驚喜的辯論﹐用千篇一律的語調講千年不解的議題。在他的網頁﹐還有見到這句寫得真好: "The intellectual is an endangered species. In place of such people as Bertrand Russell, Raymond Williams or Hannah Arendt — people with genuine learning, breadth of vision and a concern for public issues — we now have only facile pundits, think tank apologists and spin doctors. In the age of the knowledge economy, we have somehow managed to combine the widest ever participation in higher education with the most dumbed-down of cultures."
Frank Furedi (2005) Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone? Confronting 21st Century Philistinism. 今日的教育制度點做出咁多垃圾?


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