

係人都知愛因斯坦利害﹐但係有幾利害呢? 係人都知相對論威﹐但相對論又有乜咁威呢? 如果單單在物理上來說﹐歷史就得兩個人係前無古人﹐一個係牛頓﹐基本現代物理就係由佢而來。至於愛因斯坦﹐隨了取代了牛頓的宇宙﹐就差不多對物理每一門都有貢獻。佢一個星期朝九晚五翻工四十個鐘做個文員仔﹐就憑業餘時間﹐在1905年發現時間和空間不是絕對的﹐創造光的量子理論 - 殿定量子物理學的基楚﹐發明計算原子/分之大小的方法﹐解釋了布朗運動﹐並寫了改變世界的相對論﹐後期擴展特別相對論時﹐就寫了個個都識嘅公程式: E=MC²。忘了說﹐這﹐只不過是一年內的成果﹐霍金也只能往邊站。其實霍金可能賣書就最多﹐講貢獻比Heisenberg也不如﹐當然﹐殘而不廢的毅力﹐也是另一種成就。

以上全部也不是新聞﹐在網上一search就有大把愛因斯坦的資料﹐可是最近看一個對他理論驗證的實驗的網頁: Gravity Probe B: Testing Einstein's Universe﹐就看得入神。由於空間和時間也是相對的﹐他把這種可塑性形容為時空。在當中的物質就能扭曲了時空﹐而引力就是曲時空中物質間的產品。(其實寫這兩段﹐發覺真的很難譯﹐嘻﹐我到底明唔明自己寫了什麼?) 好﹐其實個實驗就好簡單: 射粒衛星上天﹐對住粒星﹐再驗證一下時空影響了衛星的角度。講就簡單﹐但係量度嘅係比頭髮更小的距離﹐實行上來就複雜得不得了。

橫跨四十年的實驗﹐今年年尾就有結果。無錯﹐其實可能真係對普遍民生影響不大﹐不過看著人證明宇宙之間的規律﹐看到有人付出一生在找出無乜人理的答案﹐總是使人感動的。Fundamental knowledge, whether it concerns the origins of the Universe, metamorphoses of inanimate matter or the human psyche, determines our ability to evaluate our place in the world, grasp the past and prognosticate the future. The search for knowledge and truth distinguishes human beings from all other living creatures known to us. Ultimately, occasionally in a straightforward, sometimes in a circuitous way, knowledge leads to discoveries, inventions, and applications that change the human condition. The desire for a deeper understanding of the great mysteries of life has defined not only human intellect but also some of the most remarkable human actions and achievements since the dawn of civilization.


"One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike—and yet it is the most precious thing we have." — Albert Einstein

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