
永生宗教 規模龐大

"Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones. " - Bertrand Russell

自己星期天出席了一個朋友的同事的浸洗禮﹐本來﹐'以為'在某個教會的小小禮堂﹐看著一小群人在人群中浸浸水﹐這個嘛﹐又不是第一次看到﹐有舍希奇? 是的﹐聖經也有說﹐魔鬼也可入聖殿。

那知道﹐嘩! 果然﹐宗教永生 財源廣進﹐去到﹐見到的是一棟十幾層的商業大樓。「他所賜的﹐有使徒﹐有先知﹐有傳福音的﹐有牧師和教師﹐為要成存聖徒﹐各盡其職﹐建立基督的聖體。」 弗4:11。一到門口﹐發現還有四﹑五個看更﹐四個 receptionist﹐堂堂皇皇的三﹑四層樓底的禮堂。居然﹐還有專人搾笠! 搞到我後來對住被洗禮的女子﹐ 隨了‘一本萬利﹐生意興隆’之外﹐都想不出什麼說話。還有﹐始終係人地朋友﹐都要比下面﹐忍下口。在洗禮的禮堂﹐有三個大型投射銀幕﹐有專業攝影器材 zoom 盡不同角度﹐還有128個人被洗禮! 長長的洗禮人龍﹐穿上畢業黑袍﹐熱烈的支持叫喊﹐親友的鮮花禮物﹐霎時﹐還以為去錯了紅館。唱唱歌﹐聽聽故事﹐這種長年累月的公眾廉價娛樂﹐悲慘暗淡的生命中又可得永生﹐難怪大有fans。

後來﹐看了教堂的節目表。 一個星期開六堂﹐並且建立了十八分陀。新來賓留名表﹐要你的姓乜名乜﹐住係邊忽﹐年齡﹐職業﹐電話(家庭﹑辦公﹑手電)﹐婚姻狀況﹐信仰狀況﹐介紹人﹐屬何分陀﹐與其關係。不知道的﹐還以為查家宅三代﹐入CIA。不過﹐在商業角度來說﹐每張表格﹐就是一個有潛質的未開發資源。所以﹐他們的網頁也有招聘廣告。恩福堂誠聘 "(一)行政助理「督導級別」Executive Assistant I (Ref.001)【部門:傳道事工部】工作範圍:負責督導傳道事工部(包括新來賓、三福、栽培部門)幹事工作,協調三個部門事工的發展。" 當然﹐主打的還要有 "牧師/傳道多名】牧養職青、單親、媽媽、大專、夫婦(夫婦一同申請者更佳)及普通話團契等多名傳道人。要求:- 神學畢業,福音派信仰,有傳福音、帶組、關顧及領導之恩賜,能與人同工和睦共處。" 他們懂得分們別類﹐針對不同組別﹐予給適當附導。可能﹐宗教﹐就是歷史最悠久的綜合娛樂節目﹐這種規模﹐這種管理﹐就真的是 - 該是 - 既敬且畏的力量吧!

雖然﹐我表明了我對宗教﹐猶其是基督教的態度。但﹐我卻不反對人相信。為何?命或本黠桀﹐既然人地自欺欺人都甘開心﹐又何必多事? 一個美麗的謊言﹐總比殘酷的事實好受。宗教的 placebo effect, 也許在非破壞的時間﹐是種值得開發的資源。而且﹐信仰﹐是控制群眾的最佳方法。點解 Wal-Mart 要員工做早晨唱唱公司口號? Because Ignorance, is bliss.

"A dangerous resolve - the Christian resolve to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad." - Nietzsche
咦﹐還有﹐覆上文宗教永生 財源廣進信:Why, of course, how can one reason with those who don't reason? Worst yet, they only reason with those that're on their side. Those people have got enough reinforcement daily, monthly -& heck, yearly of what they do﹐ they use that very belief to define the reasons & meanings of their very own existence. People criticize most sharply when you're talking about their ideal. There's not much freedom of thought with those who doesn't think, and yet, more dangerous when those that do, cause they can justify themselves for any action, & that their action only brings glory to their Lord. For those who keep on thinking on the same subject, and yet only seek and see reasons to ensure themselves, very soon, their view are all bind to one side and lose sight of a bigger picture. Ever get lost in a picture and forget you lived in that frame for a very brief moment? However, for those people, they live in the painting that they adore for way too long, and will suffocate if you try to break their frame. Results? 18,800,000 results return from google of the search line "christian bomb", Inquisitions, Crusades, Cultural revolution, 9/11, & the predicted destination of humanity - the 3rd World War. 宗教﹐政治﹐權力...... 最危險的﹐往往走在一起。

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